Coaching Basics

The basics of coaching are often overlooked by many practicing coaching professionals and it is important to understand these preceding basics outlined here before you enter into a long-term contract with any coach.You need to protect yourself to make sure you are getting the premium services that you deserve.Not all coaching is equal and you will recognize best practices from less than desirable ones

Developed by:
Keith Lawrence Miller, the Elite Coach
The EliteProCoach
January 2012

Coaching: What is it?

Professional coaching is a relatively new industry that incorporates positive attributes from various disciplines concerning human interaction into one pure concentration. The coaching industry has had dramatic year over year growth and is moving towards a unified certification system under the guidance of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The coaching profession is involved in multiple niche areas, but the universal definition of a coach includes being an advocate, a sounding board, cheerleader, accountability partner, truth teller, and supporter.

Coaching is revolutionary – It provides a conduit for expert communications and enhances overall self-awareness which is the major component in leadership success. The essential tools for navigating through life that are taken for granted are illuminated and enhanced with the coaching process. The positive psychology and strengths-based movements are coupled and enhanced with professional coaching.

The aim of a professional coach is to guide clients to reach their personal potential, meet prescribed goals, aid in developing self-awareness, provide support to reach a positive outlook, and gain a fulfilling life. A coach is a personal resource that frames perspectives, provides multiple situational perceptions, security, and encouragement to aid in client self-esteem, and act as a sounding board that helps focus client goals in a positive direction.

Studies have shown a gain in intrinsic and monetary value when acquiring a coach to aid oneself on the journey of life and at the workplace. Coaching has provided extensive contributions to personal and professional development over the last twenty years and has been defined as a separate discipline. There are numerous functional coaching models that support the coach to provide expert assistance to clients.

Creating Awareness

Creating self and social awareness is a continuous process which involves a clear understanding of our minuscule processes and their connection to the connected world. The self is composed of our beliefs, mind, body, and spirit. Development of the inner self must be desired by the individual to create the necessary effort to evolve. Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, or the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change”.
Not taking appropriate action to become self-aware provides the shortcoming of becoming stagnant and not advancing as a person. Self-awareness is a strong trait that great leaders possess – Individuals need to understand who they are before they can lead others. Action steps to develop self-awareness include: identifying patterns and strengths in everyday life, developing specific goals, becoming surrounded by others that value self-awareness, keeping the body and mind healthy with sufficient sleep and exercise, and working diligently daily towards improving important attributes.

A coach facilitates methods to create self-awareness for their clients by guiding them to comprehend their attributes, and structures systems to gain access to self-awareness. A professional coach provides the following services for clients to reach their potential: actively listening, clear forward feedback, action planning, encouragement, and being a supportive figure that monitors progress. Feedback is a powerful tool for improving self-awareness when used correctly. As a coach, one needs to provide timely non-judgmental, honest professional feedback.

Powerful Listening

Listening is an area of need that is taken for granted – Everyone believes they are a good listener, but there are ways to improve this necessary function of communication. Evolution provided us with two ears and one mouth which is direct evidence of the importance of listening. Listening is a skill that is learned through understanding and awareness. The ability to implement powerful listening takes patience and self-control. The opposite of these learned processes are naturally enacted without our awareness. We are not born or acculturated to become great listeners because we develop the ultimate need to care more about ourselves for the sake of survival. We create cognitive shortcuts to speed up the process of recognition of the world around us. Learning the art of powerful listening involves removing this cognitive mechanism and accepting manual control in order to allow us to wholly understand the other person in the present. Powerful listening is a unique and powerful tool of a coach and this skill needs to be crafted to its greatest potential for effective client development. It is rare that we find others who truly listen – Energy drain and disrespect are associated feelings when someone does not listen.

The coaching discipline uses powerful listening as a key tool to guide and support the client in understanding their perspective. The coaching rule is: The coach listens 80 percent of the time and speaks 20 percent of the time. When listening, a coach can identify what excites or inspires the client, and becomes aware of what gets in the way of the clients development. Properly listening includes keeping the silence and giving the client space for them to fully finish their thoughts. To execute this ability, the coach, needs to be in the present moment free of any outside interference. The keys to actively listening includes: listening attentively, paraphrasing back to the client what is said, and checking emotional perceptions. The keys to powerful listening are: waiting and giving space to the client, getting the client to say more by asking questions such as, “can you elaborate?”, responding by letting the client know you are there with them in the space, being empathetic & non-judgmental by valuing the clients feelings, moving the client to action by getting focused on constructive issues, and using intuition to communicate what you are sensing and feeling.

Role of a Coach

Being a coach is about knowing your own strengths, who you are, and what you value. Coaching is about self-awareness, personal & professional development, and living a life full of positivity and possibility. Being a coach is about experiencing life, facing fears, creating solutions, and advancing alongside your clients. A coach must be non-judgmental, accepting, and supportive of others by understanding their strengths. A coach guides the client and holds the client accountable, but the client is in control of the developmental speed of progress. A coach is a listener, a supporter, and a sounding board for the client. A coach empowers the client to overcome internal fears and guides clients to succeed by reaching goals. A coach helps identify areas of need and helps the client solve problems to advance their journey of reaching their full potential. Coaching is a tool that enhances human development in personal & professional ventures. Professional coaching is to human development as what Apple was for technology. Coaching is the conduit for advancing overall success. Coaching removes barriers, enhances self-esteem, positive outcomes, and perspectives.

Theory of Coaching

The coaching process is grounded in theory that extends from other professional disciplines such as: adult learning, philosophy, psychology, consulting, spirituality, & management. The foundation of professional coaching is strong and the discipline has been making tremendous strides over the past decade by way of an influx of the most elite minds in related fields into the applied world of coaching. Consultation influences coaching with the concept of the helping dilemma that has a choice between giving advice or by allowing the client to find the solution. Adult learning influences coaching by gaining a deeper understanding of the way adults learn. There are six learning principles: being self-directed, accumulating life experiences, goal-oriented, has a reason for learning, is practical, and must be shown respect. Experiential learning contributed through the understanding that we “learn through doing”. Learning styles are defined by – Activist: open minded for new experiences; Reflector: observe, collect, think critically; Theorist: transform information into operational theories; Pragmatist: enjoys applying informational items to enhance opportunities.

Coaching is intimately associated with the discipline of Psychology and shares the understanding that people behave similarly to the way they think. The coaching concepts: underlying beliefs, reframing perspectives, visualization, and intent aim to enhance overall happiness, performance, & success for the client. The positive psychology movement has a close relationship with coaching and intends to develop gratitude which leverages client happiness for successful living. Executive & business coaching gains practicality through management and aims to develop leadership capabilities. Coaching shares the view that employees are self-motivated, anxious to accept greater responsibility, exercise control, and has self-direction. Spirituality influences coaching through an inner sense of understanding the purpose in life, expressing an appreciation for being connected, an appreciation for self-awareness, and a yin-yang approach to balance. The Philosophical impact on coaching includes matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Coaching taps into the human aspects of these related disciplines and maximizes the potential effect of each concentration.

Coaching Delivery

Coaching strategy requires a focused up-front thought process in order to apply structures that are best for both coach and client. There are different types of coaching practices to consider which include: Career, Executive, Leadership, Life, Family, Spiritual, Emotional Intelligence, and much more. There is an assortment of ways of implementing coaching such as in person, mobile phone, and via video services such as Skype. Contractual policies and standards are important procedures when negotiating to acquire a professional coach. Appropriate procedures identify a coaching operation that has internal stability, competence, and possesses integrity. Policies should include information that the client should know prior to committing to a coaching relationship and provide a structural foundation for accountability. Structures provide clients with freedom and flexibility.

Effectively Communicating

Communication is an integral part of who we are as people. The ability to clearly communicate a message is what divides people from efficiently obtaining their goals or failing. Communication has several variables that can be misinterpreted and cause havoc within and among relationships. People use verbal and non-verbal behaviors to communicate as well as sensory organs to interpret their meanings. Communications can be misunderstood which causes conflict within situations. Feelings and emotions are not always consistent with the verbal message being conveyed which provides a double meaning for the recipient. The most efficient way to not misconstrue the communication is to ask questions about where the individual is and how they are feeling. It is best to never make assumptions based on your personal beliefs because those interpretations have a strong tendency to lead to error which enhances the situational conflict. As a coach is it important to communicate clearly and effectively by way of verbal and non-verbal behaviors. A good communicator is one who listens carefully when others are speaking and checks the message of the sender to make sure the interpretation and the meaning are equivalent. A coaching method that keeps communication consistent is paraphrasing information back to the client. This allows the client to know that the coach is listening and understanding what is being said. Additionally, this method clarifies any misunderstanding and maintains the shared dialogue.


Acknowledgement unlocks unlimited power from within the client through coaching. It provides a foundation where the client understands that their accomplishments have been witnessed and well received. Acknowledgement is a warm gift that is transferred from one heart to another. Coaches embrace client achievements and love acknowledging their successes. Acknowledgement provides the client an opportunity to reflect on their achievement, celebrate, and gain gratitude for the moment. Celebrating is invigorating and provides motivation to achieve higher highs. There are structures that can be created to keep the motivational feeling from celebration which include reflecting at the end of each day and celebrating small accomplishments which are the rungs of the ladder for completing the final desired goal. Acknowledging the small steps encourages a zest for accomplishing the bigger reward. Acknowledging enables the self to grow beyond belief and enhances the scope of the possessed vision. An example of acknowledgment would be when someone completes a project and the manager recognizes this achievement by verbalizing “great job getting the project done ahead of time – That really puts us in a strong position to move forward”.

Ethical Coaching Behaviors

Behaving ethically as a coach is a priority and a coach must be aligned with their values to be ethically effective. Ethical concerns in the coaching agreement usually involve privacy and conflicts of interest. Proper behaviors of a coach abide by the ethical guidelines presented by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Behaving ethically is ideal because it communicates to clients of an integral coaching practice which strengthens the coach-client relationship. Coaching behaviors speak for themselves and unethical behaviors are strongly frowned upon. Creating proper procedures that are presented to the client in advance of the coaching relationship is essential to avoid ethical problems during the relationship. Developing a team of professionals such as a lawyer provides a foundation to protect the coach from unforeseen lawsuits and unwarranted business distractions. Documented outcomes and doing pre and post assessments is a great practice when dealing with developing personal and professional behaviors. Maintaining confidentiality is essential to proper procedure and for successful professional coaching. Confidentiality is the cornerstone of a great professional coach and this area of privacy is essential for client success. A competent professional coach will communicate to their client that there session is confidential and the shared information is only for their client’s development. It is the client’s privilege to have their session confidential and this should be expressed verbally and in writing. A coach must hold their clients interest in the highest regard and concentrate on shifting the client into the most positive position possible.

Powerful Questions

The “A-ha moment” is produced by way of powerful questioning and creates new perceptions about the surrounding world. Questions trigger deeper thinking around complicated issues and help resolve the unknown. Powerful questioning reveals firmly held underlying beliefs which enables truth identification. Concurrently, successive action and creative steps are implemented to make positive change. The beauty of questioning is that it challenges a different part of the brain which creates a different emotional response. A hallmark of a powerful question is the ability to elicit multiple answers and extended responses. This allows the client to think through multiple responses and to gain a deeper understanding of the immediate situation. The most powerful thought-provoking questions come from the free non-judgmental space. Questions are tools that sharpen awareness, provide understanding of values, and build the capacity for change. The art of powerful questioning involves being a careful listener and developing the question based on the concentration of the moment.

Underlying Beliefs

Identifying underlying beliefs is an important process in discovering self-awareness and these unconscious beliefs are what influence outright behavior. The key to guiding a client to self-awareness is by strategically exploring these beliefs that function outside of conscious awareness. These beliefs have been transferred through the environment, culture, family dynamic, peers, education, and more. Exploring these beliefs and entertaining the fact that they could be misaligned, brings great dissonance to the client which is why change is so difficult to achieve. A client must have a strong desire to change and courage to face their underlying beliefs. A coach needs to provide awareness around the reality that negative beliefs cause stagnation and an exchange for a positive belief will better support desired goals in order to attain personal potential. Coaching empowers clients to explore the patterns of life which help identify hidden underlying beliefs. Facing and overcoming fears is essential for developing positive momentum. One of my clients had incredible transformation because they lived in fear for so long – Coaching allowed for bravery – Several previously help beliefs vanished and my client grew by leaps and bounds. It was wonderful and an honor to witness such extraordinary development.

Constructing Action

Action is an opportunity to experience something new and requires discipline to create success and achievement. Success is the achievement of the things in life that we are passionate about which partially concerns change and moving forward. A key to sustaining action is by acknowledging the small steps and creating support systems that aid in providing momentum toward reaching goals. A coach aids in creating action by actively listening, clarifying plans, and acknowledging development. Motivated client commitment is essential for their development and key to creating action. Movement is continuous once the momentum is initiated. Trust combined with honesty concerning the coach-client relationship is important for constructing action. Specificity concerning all associated action processes is important for substantial progress and engenders progress which enhances motivation to change. Underlying beliefs inhibit action and they need to be addressed before positive change action can be created.

Focusing on client strengths is important when focusing the proper energy towards specific actions. Preparing goals is an important aspect for success and having a broad range of goals from small to large is an optimum position to take when creating change. Goals centered on client values are important because the client needs to feel ownership concerning their issues. Connecting values with goals creates additional commitment by way of enhanced meaning concerning created actions. Understanding the duration of goals is important in order to maintain momentum and disable discouragement. Meeting short term goals strengthens the resolve to meet long term goals. Barriers enter all equations some of the time and cause goals to be put off to the side and this is where the coach needs to support the client in keeping everything in perspective and to not lose sight of long-term goals. Being flexible is an important trait when approaching goals because of the common remedial barriers – Creatively understanding multiple perspectives is important for overall achievement. Enthusing and acknowledging are vastly important when clients progress through goal stages because of the transferred energy that propels them to move further down the development trail.


Accountability for actions is powerful and signals our value of others and ourselves. Developing accountability around issues that support values enhances the ability to achieve. Applying accountability for actions supports in advancing success. Accountability is a coaching tool that optimizes client actions by raising awareness around actionable issues. Understanding the dynamics around change such as motivation, time, difficulty, distractions, rewards, and maintenance are important for supporting clients through difficult transitional times. Goals are not always achievable without obstacles and supporting clients while up against obstacles is important for the coaching relationship. Change brings stress and a client will need to be internally motivated in order to overcome stress inducing obstacles. Some goals are more difficult to achieve than others and require additional time to meet specific associated needs. The coach needs to co-identify these aversive concepts with the client for continued positive movement. Carefully balancing encouragement, enthusing, and acknowledgement is important when holding accountability.


Structures are support systems that enable clients to meet goals and responsibilities. Will power alone does not enable one to meet prescribed goals, but rather, a combination of will power combined with adequate structures allow clients to meet goals with precision. Structures allow clients to follow a plan of action regardless of how they are feeling at the moment which is variable based on current events. Coaching is a structure that enables a client to stay on course to meet their goals regardless of emotional events that can hinder progress. Change is a signal of improvement and requires additional structures to handle change. Identifying structures that have supported change in the past for each individual client is important for placing structures to support the change at the moment to move forward. The coach and client need to continuously confirm the agreed upon structures in order to achieve success because these structures might regress into a routine that is not functional for adopting change. In other words, the structure of meeting on time is essential for both parties so if the coach or client develops a pattern of continuously being late, the coach and client need to discuss the structure of meeting on time in order to become more efficient for meeting success.

Releasing Judgment

Judgment induces a guilty response and similar negative emotions for both the judger and the person being judged. This zaps positive energy and supports irrational thinking. People go into a defensive mode when we are being judged which causes uncomfortable feelings and these behaviors are unsupportive. It is important that a coach provides their client with free safe space that is devoid of judgment. There should be no criticism concerning client actions or behaviors. Judgers do not like who they are – Judgment is a projective action that mimics how one feels about themselves. Judgment is a defense mechanism. One way to correct the judging action is to accept and love who you are. Comparison to others is a form of judging and competing within oneself is a cure for this type of perspective. This ability enables one to embrace and respect the self and others. Leading questions imply criticism and judgment – A coach needs to refrain from this style of questioning because it deteriorates the coaching relationship. Judgment takes the coaching perspective away from the steadfastly held belief that the client is creative, resourceful, and whole. Well meaning advice is another form of judgment and coaches should refrain from giving any type of advice. Advice and feedback are mutually exclusive because advice is an opinion based on the coaches’ experiences and feedback is an observation of how the client is living in the moment as well as what the client is expressing. Accepting the client in total is a pre-requisite to a strong coaching relationship and this ability enables the coach to release all aforementioned judgment.

Creating Trust

Trust and confidentiality are the most important components of the coaching relationship – They are important prerequisites for gaining affirmative success in achieving desired goals. The coach needs to establish trust in order for the client to be comfortable expressing their true intentions and feelings associated with preferred goals. A trusting space enables a strong emotional engagement and all other coaching techniques are supported by trust. Coaching does not work without trust – Trust aids in reducing anxiety and clears the space for optimal growth. Creating trust beings with self-trust and having unconditional positive self-regard. The client needs to trust the coaching motivation for the client to meet their desired goals. Trust is the foundation of a successful coaching relationship.

Coaching Skills and Attributes

A successful coach requires a set of complex cognitive, interpersonal, and self-awareness skills. These skills can be learned throughout the journey of life and the potential coach needs to have a distinct need to be a lifelong learner. A coach needs to be a people person and have the ability to lead by example. A need for personal and professional self-development is essential for a coach to possess because the client will feel the energy needed to relate. The key tool that can be learned is active listening and this is an all important tool that is associated with empathy. The self-awareness factor comes into play when understanding personal strengths and weaknesses.

A coach needs to be open to feedback in order to improve and this is essential because a coach expects a client to be open to feedback. A coach is not the expert, but rather, the client is the expert and the coach needs to respect and accept this operation. The coach needs to actively listen and be able to open up new perspectives for the client so there could be positive movement forward. These competencies can be learned through concentration mixed with a motivation to acquire these coaching skills.


Using energizing words are acts of support which transfers a force of motivational energy to the recipient. Positive energy is contagious – Coaches have the power to enhance others’ self-esteem by way of using energizing words. Coaches need to be aware of energy and be sure to remove any negative feelings before entering a coaching session. This process is necessary because the act of enthusing needs to be authentic or it can backfire by destroying trust between the coach & client. The key to energizing is to be true to who you are and use energizing terms that are true to your personality. The act of energizing clients is a powerful transference that positively influences their behavior and feelings. A coach should practice enthusing when there is fear of changing jobs, fear of speaking the truth, fear of standing up to someone holding them back, fear of doing something positive, and when a client is not supported in their relationship.

ORID Coaching Model

The ORID model is revolutionary and is the next step in the evolution of communication. This coaching model is a coach’s best friend because it identifies the correct process to enable the client to expand on their inner potential. Awareness and motivation are critical elements to seizing success in personal and professional encounters. We believe that there is no such thing as a dead end and there is always a possibility to win when there is a present unstoppable will. Our clients overcome extreme adversity and we have the endurance to support against any odds. We implement strategic tools and logic to expand the field of view concerning all situations. The ORID provides a great system to improve communication between the coach and elite associate. Coaching skills such as active listening and powerful questions enable the professional coach to take this tool to a higher level and a lesser qualified coach would not be able to manage the above tool effectively.

The above diagram seems complex and difficult to interpret, but the following will explain the complicated terms in clearer detail. The O in ORID stands for observation which is code for understanding the background information concerning specific client situations. Background information is important for understand current and future situations. A qualified professional coach knows how to understand the content that is being communicated. There are hidden messages that a competent coach can pick up on and create awareness for their client. If done correctly, this feedback can be greatly influential in the client’s life.

The R in ORID stands for reflective which concerns understanding the feelings and emotions associated with the background information. A skilled coach will move effortlessly between these two categories and can maneuver back and forth gathering background information mixed with the associated feelings. The ORID box is extremely important because it identifies when discomfort is created – A lesser skilled coach will unknowingly create discomfort during the coaching process because they are unaware of the critical rules of communication. Trust is incredibly important when exploring feelings and emotions when supporting a client during this experience. Comfort and safety associated with privacy and confidentiality during the coaching process is essential in understanding all connected elements. True empathy is omnipotent in these situations and a born to be coach will possess this ability.

The I in ORID stands for Interpretive which concerns a full understanding of the previous two categories of O and R plus a focus on co-creating strategic solutions to improve current and future situations. A common mistake of inexperienced coaches is to cross the center and jump to decisions from feelings or from solutions back to background information. These jumps cause discomfort and skew the coaching relationship because mistrust is unconsciously created. When the coach has safely guided their client to the solutions stage there is a synergy that is growingly powerful. The momentum to overcome obstacles is fierce and the client begins to establish new growth that leads to greater accomplishment. This stage provides a clear-minded platform for expert brainstorming that magnifies client abilities to think strategically from multiple perspectives. The coaching feedback during this stage is extremely beneficial for the client because it signals that they are on the right page and reinforces their motivation to succeed – Sounds great huh.

The D in ORID stands for Decisions and this is the fourth category that has the task of capturing the momentum of the previous three categories. This is the mental arena where the client puts the optimum solution into practice and owns the process. This firmly empowers the client to take action in their lives to improve their position by making decisions that are free of false underlying beliefs that create arresting emotions that inhibit appropriate action. The coach guides the process and the client controls the content – The coach empowers the client through the coaching process and the client embraces the opportunity to reach their ultimate potential. An ongoing coaching engagement provides a constant platform for the client to interact with a professional coach. This provides the ability to reflect on progress or various factors that limit progressive action. This is a time to gain a deeper understanding about issues, circumstances, decisions, beliefs, and to brag about reaching previously unrealized goals faster than could possibly be conceived. This experience is what professional coaches live for and witnessing the development of clients is the greatest gift that the coach could receive.

You have the power to control your life with the right perspective and the right motivation. You have the Ability to Alter the Way Life Treats you with a positive mental attitude as your tool of choice. You have the Choice to Remove the negatives from your Life and run with the Positives or to follow the everyday Status Quo that is not providing the Opportunities that you want.

Coaching Basics Summary

This short but all important Coaching Basics e-book provides an in-depth look into the coaching process and what a potential client should expect from the journey. The above introductory concepts regard the coaching relationship and cover the basics that should be expected from a professional coach. There are more advanced coaching techniques that are not discussed here such as goal setting and work-life balance. This approach was designed to provide a quick introductory tutorial to help support the coaching decision.

Professional Coaching is revolutionary and is the applied side of theory which enhances overall potential in a shortened duration of time. The benefits from coaching are endless and each client receives varied results because it is truly a case by case development. The clients who receive coaching are more successful than their non-coached counterpart. Coaching is an interactive process that is goal driven and the client is expected to take action to increase their value in life. Coaching is used in all areas of life and represents the new frontier of human development. Positive psychology and the strength-based movement are intrinsically tied to professional coaching. An example of the power of professional coaching includes multi-rater feedback (360) – Multi-rater feedback does not harm or benefit the client independently, but provides extraordinary results when paired with professional coaching. Coaching has been shown to enhance overall performance in several studies:

Luthans, F. & Peterson, S. J. (2003). 360-degree feedback with systematic coaching: Empirical analysis suggests a winning combination. Human Resource Management, 42: 243-256.

Seifert, C. F., Yukl, G., & McDonald, R. A. (2003). Effects of multisource feedback and a feedback facilitator on the influence of behavior of managers toward subordinates. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88: 561-569.

Smither, S. W., London, M., Flautt, R., Vargas, Y., & Kucine, I. (2003). Can working with an executive coach improve multisource feedback rating over time? A quasi-experimental field study. Personal Psychology, 56: 23-44.

Do your research before entering into a contract with a coach because it is your responsibility to protect yourself from inappropriate service.

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Request for Referrals

I build my business through word of mouth or referrals – The ideal client is someone who is looking to invest in their development, motivated to achieve, open to direct constructive feedback, ready to learn new concepts, values the multiplicity of relationships, and is dedicated to reaching their full potential. My services provide new innovative perspectives that enhance overall production and self-efficacy, enhanced focus on what matters and helps identify the unnecessary concerns that does not deserve explicit attention. We co-develop techniques to be more structured and more proficient, help unravel the complexities of all situations, and provide clarity which enables my clients to save valuable time and become more efficient. I specialize in Leadership & Management development, Career Management, Business development, Positive Life Coaching, Organizational Psychology, and Emotional-Social-Cultural Intelligence. Our coaching process operates in a safe, 100% confidential environment that provides complete awareness and full Million Dollar support.

The one qualification for my clients is for them to be motivated to be the leader of their life and have a burning desire to be their best. I use my skills to support, guide, actively listen, motivate, and to provide constructive feedback concerning blind spots that we all encounter in our lives.

If this person is you or someone that you know please connect us and I will set up a complimentary breakthrough session to explore the possibility.

–Thank you for your time and I hope this guide supports you on your journey

Best Wishes,
Keith Lawrence Miller, President
Certified Business & Career Coach | (855) My-Pro-Coach
Skype: Keith.MillionDollarCoaching | (718) 717-2820

About The Author

Keith Lawrence Miller
President, EliteProCoach
ICF Certified & Associate Credentialed Professional Coach

M.A. Candidate at Columbia University
Change & Consultation in Organizations – Organizational Behavior
Columbia University Senator & Leader

Top Quality Support at a Competitive Price
Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching, Career Coaching,
Emotional Intelligence for Leadership,
Cultural Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Career Management, Professional Assessments

The EliteProCoach invites you to join us for a Complimentary 30 minute – personalized One-on-One Coaching Consultation session to discuss issues around Confidentiality, Trust, Commitment, Target Issues, desired Goals, Action Steps moving forward, and how to get started in a Coaching relationship.

what is coaching


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The Elite Pro Coach Company is an exclusive provider of Action and Solution-Focused Executive Leadership Coaching & Development, Professional 360 Assessment Coaching, Elite Career Coaching for career advancement and development, Life Coaching for Personal and Professional Development.

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  • We provide Ivy League Resumes, Ivy League Cover Letters, and Incredible Professional LinkedIn profiles to maximize personal and professional branding to achieve success at the next level for entry-level, Mid-Level, and Executive Levels.
  • Mock Interviews for professionals and students, Business Consulting for start-ups, Entrepreneurs, and Fortune 500 companies, Emotional Intelligence development for Leadership, and Executive Career Coaching for maximizing leadership competencies in Corporations
  • Social Media Marketing for maximizing online presence and developing the meaning of your business in the minds of potential clients
  • We support development of targeted positive behaviors and support the elimination of negative processes and behaviors, in which, maximize the potential of your business, your people, and your money.
  • Our Purpose: To develop better Leaders, better People, more Career Satisfaction & more Successful Living.

The finest business development consultant providing elite business development consulting and business coaching services which include management coaching, corporate training, career coaching, and executive coaching. Elite Pro Coach Company offers your own personal life coach, leadership coach, and coach training that leads to executive coaching certification endorsed by the Elite Pro Coach Company leading to an accreditation from the International Coach Federation (ICF).

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